Simple. Effective. Proven. Everything you need to launch.
Certification Ensure Success
Using the Marriage Mentoring Academy, couples learn the 12 essential skills to be effective mentors. You get the structure and tools to get started quickly. Not only that, we walk alongside you after the training to ensure success.
Backed By Research and More Than Two Decades of Experience
With over 250,000 couples trained, the results are in: Marriage Mentoring works. Churches with Marriage Mentoring Ministries produce stronger marriages.
Essentials Kit
Great value on the basics.- Cost Per Couple
- Academy Memberships
- Sermon transcripts on marriage
- Inclusion in Church Directory
- Mentor & Mentoree Forms
train 5 couples
$565 value
- $49
- 5
train 12 couple
$978 value
- $39
- 12
train 25 couples
$1,745 value
- $29
- 25
train 25+ couples
best value
- under $29
- 25+
Smart Start Kit
Online training plus books for couples.- The Essentials Kit PLUS:
- Complete Guide to Marriage Mentoring
- 51 Creative Ideas for Marriage Mentors
$1,210 value
- 5
- 5
$1,930 value
- 12
- 12
$3,270 value
- 25
- 25
best value
- 25+
- 25+